*Please note - this is an advanced class, and each participant must sign up on their own. Multiple ticket purchasing is not available for this event. 

Have you purchased tickets at The Soundbath Center before?

  • October 3, 2024 @ 7:30pm (90min)
    The Soundbath Center
    4688 Eagle Rock Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041


Location Information

  • The Soundbath Center
  • 4688 Eagle Rock Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90041 US

No Late Admittance

I understand that the event starts exactly at event start time. I should arrive 15 minutes before the event starts to check in and get situated. I will not be able to attend the event if I arrive after event start time. No exceptions.

Physical Requirements

All participants will be laying down on the floor, on a mat (with padding), for all events. If you, or any of your guests, are unable to get down and up from the floor, without assistance, please contact us BEFORE you purchase the ticket so we can discuss your options in advance.

The style of breathwork taught in this event cannot be performed safely while wearing a face mask. Any participant that prefers to wear a face mask during the event will need to refrain from doing the type of breath taught and instead breathe in a gentle, natural manner during the breathwork portion of the event.

Studio Policies

1. NO Photos or Videos in the Studio. 

2. Do not touch any of the instruments or crystals.

3. Turn your cell phone OFF (not silent/vibrate) before the event starts.

4. In consideration of others, do not wear strong cologne, perfume or essential oils. You will not be allowed to participate if you are wearing a strong scent.

5. No food or beverages in the sound bath area.

6. If you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol you will not be allowed to participate.

  • 1. Do not touch any of the instruments or crystals.
    2. Turn your cell phone OFF (not silent/vibrate) before the event starts.
    3. No photos, videos or recording of any kind.
    4. In consideration of others, do not wear strong cologne, perfume or essential oils. You will not be allowed to participate if you are wearing a strong scent.
    5. No food or beverages in the soundbath area
    6. If you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol you will not be allowed to participate.

No Transfers or Refunds

I understand that all tickets purchased for this event are valid ONLY for the exact event on the date and time described in this ticket purchase agreement. If I (or anyone of my guests) cannot make the event, I understand I may give my ticket(s) to another person(s). I acknowledge there are NO REFUNDS for any reason, and I cannot transfer my ticket to a different date.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software